Contribution Guidelines

Welcome to the Clearitty platform. To maintain a respectful and informative community, please adhere to the following guidelines when contributing content to our platform. Your cooperation ensures a safe and welcoming environment for all members of the community.

Proprietary Information 

  • Intellectual Property and Know-How: Sharing or disclosing intellectual property (IP) or proprietary know-how is prohibited. This includes without limitation, patent applications, technical know-how, software code or design, technology-related trade secrets, unpublished research, product formulations, and any proprietary processes or methodologies. 

  • Confidential Information: Unless you have authorization or permission given in advance to do so, sharing or disclosing confidential information, such as customer lists, supplier lists, and financial information is prohibited.

Integrity and Authenticity

  • Misinformation: Sharing false information is prohibited.

  • Originality: Content must be based on firsthand experience, and must be original and not contain substantial quoted material from other sources.

  • Privacy: Do not share or disclose in your reviews personal or contact information of, or about, yourself or others.

  • Impersonation: Do not impersonate others, including both living or deceased individuals.

Content Quality and Relevance

  • Professionally Irrelevant Content: Avoid sharing or disclosing irrelevant content, including off-topic product or service recommendations. Spam or advertisements are prohibited.

  • Content Quality: While perfection is not required, your contributions should be clear and understandable. In case your contributions contain poor grammar, excessive capitalization, or filler words we may edit them at our sole discretion.

  • Honesty and Balance: Contributions should reflect your honest opinion and personal experience. We value balanced reviews that include both pros and cons to foster a constructive review.

  • No Irrelevant Links: Advertising, self-promotion, and irrelevant links are prohibited.

Respect and Civility

  • No Abuse or Harassment: Do not share content that is aggressive, offensive, or targets individuals in a malicious or disrespectful manner.

  • Insults and Profanity: Refrain from using insults or profanity, especially to harass or intimidate. 

  • Hate Speech: Direct attacks on people or groups based on race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease are prohibited.

  • Violent Threats and Wishes of Harm: Threats of physical harm, including violence or wishes for others to experience harm, illness, or tragic events, are prohibited.

  • Incitement and Glorification of Violence: Encouraging violence or harm, including self-harm, and praising acts of violence or violent groups is prohibited.

  • Sexual Content: Do not share any sexual content or sexually objectify anyone.

Following these guidelines helps us maintain a community where everyone can share and access information safely and respectfully. It is your responsibility to adhere to these guidelines. The publication of your content by the Clearitty Platform is made in reliance to your compliance with these guidelines. We may, at our sole discretion, edit or reject completely any content that does not comply with these guidelines; however, we do not undertake to monitor and review all content submitted and/or published on the Clearitty Platform.

If you have a question about these Contribution Guidelines, please contact us at:

Thank you for your contribution!